„Most s kipovima“ u Tuzli, koji je projektovao arhitekta Bogdan Đukić, predstavlja značajan istorijski i umjetnički spomenik. Izgrađen 1935. godine, most krase kipovi koje je 1936. godine izradio poznati tuzlanski kipar Franjo Leder. Ovaj most ne samo da povezuje fizički prostor, već simbolizira i kulturno nasljeđe Tuzle.
Kipovi titana s kandelabrima na mostu su umjetničko djelo koje doprinosi identitetu grada. Titani simboliziraju snagu, stabilnost i trajnost, dok kandelabri s raznobojnim staklima dodaju estetsku dimenziju, predstavljajući raznolikost i jedinstvo.
Arhitekta Bogdan Đukić osmislio je most kao funkcionalnu strukturu koja je istovremeno i umjetničko djelo. Kombinacija monumentalnosti titanovih skulptura s funkcionalnošću kandelabara čini most jedinstvenim u urbanom pejzažu Tuzle. Ovaj most nije samo infrastrukturni objekt, već i kulturni simbol, koji podsjeća na bogatu istoriju i umjetničku tradiciju grada.
Most s kipovima također ima značajnu ulogu u povezivanju prošlosti i sadašnjosti. Kao svjedok vremena, on čuva uspomene na period između dva svjetska rata, kada je izgrađen, i na umjetnika Franju Ledera, čije su skulpture trajno obogatile tuzlanski javni prostor.
Replike kamenih kipova na mostu u Tuzli izradio je akademski kipar Marijan Sušac. Ove replike postavljene su 1990. godine, kako bi se sačuvala originalna umjetnička vrijednost i izgled mosta, s obzirom na oštećenja koja su originalni kipovi pretrpjeli tokom vremena. Sušac je kroz svoj rad osigurao da most zadrži svoj značajni kulturni i istorijski simbolizam za grad Tuzlu.
Uz sve ovo, most predstavlja i mjesto susreta, prolaska i svakodnevnog života stanovnika Tuzle. Njegova izuzetna umjetnička vrijednost i istorijski značaj čine ga neizostavnim dijelom gradskog identiteta, inspiracijom za buduće generacije i simbolom kulturnog bogatstva Tuzle.
O Franji Lederu
Franjo Leder je rođen u Tuzli 29. oktobra 1905. godine. Otac mu je bio porijeklom Čeh, a majka Austrijanka. Leder je odrastao u Tuzli, gdje je pohađao Gimnaziju u periodu od 1922. do 1925. godine.
Godine 1926/1927. upisuje se na Kraljevsku akademiju za umjetnost i umjetni obrt u Zagrebu (Akademija likovnih umjetnosti), na kojoj je diplomirao 1932. godine. Poslije završenog školovanja vraća se u Tuzlu, gdje bez zaposlenja provodi dvije godine, a zatim dobija angažman kao profesor crtanja u Gospiću, Mostaru i Nikšiću. Ljetne odmore provodi u Tuzli, radeći na realizaciji mnogih umjetničkih djela. Drugi svjetski rat ga je zatekao u Nikšiću gdje je boravio najduže kao gimanzijski profesor
od 1939. do 1941.godine. Godine 1944. bio je angažovan u Odsjeku za umjetnost i kulturu Oblasnog narodnog oslobodilačkog odbora za istočnu Bosnu, kojeg su vodili Vojo Dimitrijević i Ismet Mujezinović. Leder je u Tuzli oslikao zidove čekaonice prizorima iz dječijeg života u tuzlanskom Domu zdravlja. U prostorijama Doma zdravlja je imao prostorije za rad i stanovanje. Od 1955. do 1957. godine radio je kao profesor crtanja u tuzlanskoj Gimnaziji. Umro je 1963. godine.
Najznačajniji radovi:
– Portret Vene Rihtera, iz 1927.
– Poprsje Đorđa Lazarevića iz 1933.
– Tuzlanski kandelabri, I-IV 1936.
– Portret Bogdana Dukica 1937.
– Portret Pantelejmona Snjatinskog 1937.
– Portret Đure Mrmka, 1940.
– Poprsje Nikifora Todića
– Portret supruge apotekara Muratbegovića
– Poprsje Rudara II, 1948.
– Majka s djetetom, 1961.
– Bista Štekovića, 1930.
– Bista Tita, 1948.
– Bista Vladimira Nazora, 1950.
– Reljefi (Rudar I, Rudar II, Vatrogasac, Kompozicija Sv. Đorđe ubija aždaju,
Kompozicija Sokolstvom slobodi, Alegorija I, Alegorija II, Idila, portret Tirša,
Sveta familija, Kompozicija na kući Dražena Đukića);
– Leda, 1938
– Diskobol 1948.
Dijelovi teksta pruzeti iz knjige „Spomeničko naslijeđe na području grada Tuzle“ autora Senada Begovića.
“The Bridge with Statues” in Tuzla, designed by architect Bogdan Đukić, is a significant historical and artistic monument. Built in 1935, the bridge is adorned with statues created by the renowned Tuzla sculptor Franjo Leder in 1936. This bridge not only connects physical spaces but also symbolizes the cultural heritage of Tuzla.
The statues of titans with candelabras on the bridge are artworks that contribute to the city’s identity. The titans symbolize strength, stability, and durability, while the candelabras with colorful glass add an aesthetic dimension, representing diversity and unity.
Architect Bogdan Đukić conceived the bridge as a functional structure that is also a work of art. The combination of the monumental titan sculptures with the functionality of the candelabras makes the bridge unique in Tuzla’s urban landscape. This bridge is not merely an infrastructure object but a cultural symbol that reminds of the rich history and artistic tradition of the city.
The bridge with statues also plays a significant role in connecting the past and present. As a witness of time, it preserves memories of the period between the two world wars when it was built, and of the artist Franjo Leder, whose sculptures permanently enriched Tuzla’s public space.
Replicas of the stone statues on the bridge in Tuzla were made by academic sculptor Marijan Sušac. These replicas were installed in 1990 to preserve the original artistic value and appearance of the bridge, considering the damage the original statues had suffered over time. Through his work, Sušac ensured that the bridge retained its significant cultural and historical symbolism for Tuzla.
Additionally, the bridge serves as a place of meeting, passage, and everyday life for Tuzla’s residents. Its exceptional artistic value and historical significance make it an indispensable part of the city’s identity, an inspiration for future generations, and a symbol of Tuzla’s cultural wealth.
About Franjo Leder
Franjo Leder was born in Tuzla on October 29, 1905. His father was of Czech origin, and his mother was Austrian. Leder grew up in Tuzla, where he attended Gymnasium from 1922 to 1925. In 1926/1927, he enrolled at the Royal Academy of Art and Craft in Zagreb (Academy of Fine Arts), from which he graduated in 1932. After completing his education, he returned to Tuzla, where he spent two years unemployed before getting a job as a drawing teacher in Gospić, Mostar, and Nikšić.
He spent his summer vacations in Tuzla, working on various artistic projects. The Second World War found him in Nikšić, where he stayed the longest as a high school teacher from 1939 to 1941.
In 1944, he was engaged in the Department of Art and Culture of the Regional People’s Liberation Committee for Eastern Bosnia, led by Vojo Dimitrijević and Ismet Mujezinović. Leder painted the walls of the waiting room with scenes from children’s lives in the Tuzla Health Center. He had work and living quarters in the Health Center. From 1955 to 1957, he worked as a drawing teacher at the Tuzla Gymnasium. He passed away in 1963.
Notable Works:
Portrait of Veno Rihter, 1927
Bust of Đorđe Lazarević, 1933
Tuzla Candelabras, I-IV 1936
Portrait of Bogdan Đukić, 1937
Portrait of Pantelejmon Snjatinski, 1937
Portrait of Đuro Mrmak, 1940
Bust of Nikifor Todić
Portrait of the wife of pharmacist Muratbegović
Bust of Miner II, 1948
Mother with Child, 1961
Bust of Šteković, 1930
Bust of Tito, 1948
Bust of Vladimir Nazor, 1950
Reliefs (Miner I, Miner II, Firefighter, Composition St. George Killing the Dragon, Composition With Sokol to Freedom, Allegory I, Allegory II, Idyl, Portrait of Tirš, Holy Family, Composition on the House of Dražen Đukić).
Leda, 1938
Discobolus, 1948
Parts of the text were taken from the book “Monumental Heritage in the City of Tuzla” by Senad Begović.